Conditional Parameter Optimization: Adapting Parameters to Changing Market Regimes
By Ernest Chan
Every trader knows that there are market regimes that are favorable to their strategies, and other regimes that are not. Some regimes are obvious, like bull vs bear markets, calm vs choppy markets, etc. These regimes affect many strategies and portfolios (unless they are market-neutral or volatility-neutral portfolios) and are readily observable and identifiable (but perhaps not predictable). Other regimes are more subtle, and may only affect your specific strategy. Regimes may change every day, and they may not be observable. It is often not as simple as saying the market has two regimes, and we are currently in regime 2 instead of 1. For example, with respect to the profitability of your specific strategy, the market may have 5 different regimes. But it is not easy to specify exactly what those 5 regimes are, and which of the 5 we are in today, not to mention predicting which regime we will be in tomorrow. We won’t even know that there are exactly 5!
Regime changes sometimes necessitate a complete change of trading strategy (e.g. trading a mean-reverting instead of momentum strategy). Other times, traders just need to change the parameters of their existing trading strategy to adapt to a different regime. My colleagues and I at have come up with a novel way of adapting the parameters of a trading strategy, a technique we called “Conditional Parameter Optimization” (CPO). This patent-pending invention allows traders to adapt new parameters as frequently as they like — perhaps for every trading day or even every single trade.
CPO uses machine learning to place orders optimally based on changing market conditions (regimes) in any market. Traders in these markets typically already possess a basic trading strategy that decides the timing, pricing, type, and/or size of such orders. This trading strategy will usually have a small number of adjustable trading parameters. Conventionally, they are often optimized based on a fixed historical data set (“train set”). Alternatively, they may be periodically reoptimized using an expanding or rolling train set. (The latter is often called “Walk Forward Optimization”.) With a fixed train set, the trading parameters clearly cannot adapt to changing regimes. With an expanding train set, the trading parameters still cannot respond to rapidly changing market conditions because the additional data is but a small fraction of the existing train set. Even with a rolling train set, there is no evidence that the parameters optimized in the most recent historical period gives better out-of-sample performance. A too-small rolling train set will also give unstable and unreliable predictive results given the lack of statistical significance. All these conventional optimization procedures can be called unconditional parameter optimization, as the trading parameters do not intelligently respond to rapidly changing market conditions. Ideally, we would like trading parameters that are much more sensitive to the market conditions and yet are trained on a large enough amount of data.
To address this adaptability problem, we apply a supervised machine learning algorithm (specifically, random forest with boosting) to learn from a large predictor (“feature”) set that captures various aspects of the prevailing market conditions, together with specific values of the trading parameters, to predict the outcome of the trading strategy. (An example outcome is the strategy’s future one-day return.) Once such machine-learning model is trained to predict the outcome, we can apply it to live trading by feeding in the features that represent the latest market conditions as well as various combinations of the trading parameters. The set of parameters that results in the optimal predicted outcome (e.g., the highest future one-day return) will be selected as optimal, and will be adopted for the trading strategy for the next period. The trader can make such predictions and adjust the trading strategy as frequently as needed to respond to rapidly changing market conditions.
In the example you can download here, I illustrate how we apply CPO using’s financial machine learning API to adapt the parameters of a Bollinger Band-based mean reversion strategy on GLD (the gold ETF) and obtain superior results which I highlight here:
The CPO technique is useful in industry verticals other than finance as well — after all, optimization under time varying and stochastic condition is a very general problem. For example, wait times in a hospital emergency room may be minimized by optimizing various parameters, such as staffing level, equipment and supplies readiness, discharge rate, etc. Current state-of-the-art methods generally find the optimal parameters by looking at what worked best on average in the past. There is also no mathematical function that exactly determines wait time based on these parameters. The CPO technique employs other variables such as time of day, day of week, season, weather, whether there are recent mass events, etc. to predict the wait time under various parameter combinations, and thereby find the optimal combination under the current conditions in order to achieve the shortest wait time.
We can provide you with the scripts to run CPO on your own strategy using’s API. Please email for a free trial.
For more information about our work, visit
About the Author: Ernie is a noted quantitative hedge fund manager and quant finance author. Previously he has applied his expertise in machine learning IBM T.J. Watson Research Center’s Human Language Technologies group, at Morgan Stanley’s Data Mining and Artificial Intelligence Group, and at Credit Suisse’s Horizon Trading Group.